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威尼斯人平台学院 strives to address student concerns in a responsive and prompt manner. Students are encouraged to resolve concerns themselves by first talking directly with the college representative involved. The vice president for student affairs and dean of students is available as a resource for students who have complaints. 学院承认, 然而, that students have a right to file a formal complaint against the college through any of the procedures listed 在这里.


威尼斯人平台学院 strives to address student concerns in a responsive and prompt manner. Students are encouraged to resolve concerns themselves by first talking directly with the college representative involved. The vice president for student affairs and dean of students is available as a resource for students who have complaints.

Student complaints are defined as grievances or general dissatisfaction with the college and/or its employees. 

Agnes Scott distinguishes between student complaints and student appeals of college policies and decisions. 一名学生的申诉, 是否为策略的异常, 由司法机构作出的决定或财政援助的裁决, 不被视为学生投诉. T在这里 are specific procedures in place for students who wish to make an appeal; these procedures vary according to the type of appeal. Information about appeal procedures can be found in the relevant sections of the Student Handbook and/or the 威尼斯人平台学院 undergraduate and graduate catalogs.

Separate policies and/or procedures for disputing final grades and for reporting violations of the college’s 第九条, discrimination and consensual relationship policies are found in the 威尼斯人平台学院 undergraduate and graduate catalogs and/or the Student Handbook.

除了, t在这里 are multiple processes in place for students who have a complaint about another student. These include through the 荣誉制度 and through informal conflict resolution processes via residence life for residential community standards concerns or via the dean of students for non-residential concerns. Students seeking guidance on resolving a complaint against another student should contact the vice president for student affairs and dean of students to discuss informal options. 如果需要正式的流程, 该学生将被转介到学院提供的其他程序.


A student who has a complaint about 威尼斯人平台学院 and has not been able to resolve it by speaking with the individual(s) involved should discuss the issue with the college official responsible for that area of the college. The student should attempt to resolve the issue informally within 30 days of the occurrence. If the matter still cannot be resolved, then the student may file a formal written complaint.

A student who has attempted to resolve the issue through the informal complaint process and is still not satisfied may file a formal written complaint with the vice president for academic affairs and dean of the college or the vice president for student affairs and dean of students. This should be done as soon as possible after the informal process is completed but within six months of the occurrence. 学生必须完成 学生投诉表格, which is available in 负责学生事务的副校长办公室 and in the Office of Academic Advising and on the college’s website. 如果投诉的对象是学院的副校长, 学生应向校长办公室提出申诉. 如果投诉是针对校长的, the student is advised to speak with the vice president for student affairs or the student may file a formal written complaint by submitting the complaint form to the secretary of the board in a sealed envelope addressed to the Chair of the Board of Trustees.  

  1. 取决于正式投诉的性质, 负责学生事务的副校长办公室, the Office of Academic Advising or the Office of the President will log the formal complaint and send it to the appropriate officer of the college for resolution.
  2. The officer (or their designee) will review the written complaint and respond to the student within 10 business days while the college is in session.
  3. 如果投诉涉及特定的工作人员或教职员工的行为, 该官员应向人事和文化主任咨询指导. The officer will also inform any named staff or faculty member upon receipt of a formal complaint, 这个人的名字. 取决于投诉的性质, 该官员可召集有关各方, 调解局势,找到一个合理的解决方案. 未能找到解决办法或解决办法令任何一方不满意的, the student or an individual directly involved in the dispute may petition in writing to the Judicial Review Committee within 3 business days of the attempt to mediate and settle the matter. 警务人员亦可将投诉直接送交司法覆核委员会, 如果他们选择, 代替调解.

The Judicial Review Committee has 30 days to hear each side of the dispute and render a decision. 如果某一教职员工的行为有问题, 负责公平和包容的副主席, 谁来管理人文办公室, 会否出任司法覆核委员会当然委员. 另外, 如果教员的行为有问题, 学院执行委员会主席亦为当然委员. The committee will announce its findings and recommendations in writing to all parties involved. 司法覆核委员会的审议是保密的. Current procedures of Judicial Review Committee will be followed; no legal representation or recording devices will be permitted at committee meetings. 委员会的决定是最终决定. 各方都应尊重委员会决定的机密性.


艾格尼丝·斯科特的学生可以向 乔治亚州非公立专上教育委员会 (GNPEC),联络本署,地址是东交易广场2082号, 220套房, 塔克, 乔治亚州30084-5305或致电770.414.3300. Students are expected to have followed the college’s complaint resolution policy before contacting the commission.

Distance-learning students residing out-of-state while enrolled in an 威尼斯人平台学院 course may submit a complaint with the appropriate agency in the state in which they reside. The list of contact information for all state agencies may be found at NC-SARA by clicking 在这里. 居住在加州的学生可以联系 私立专上教育局 加州萨克拉门托,国会橡树大道2535号400套房,邮编95833或916.431.6924.



Students may file a complaint regarding 威尼斯人平台学院’s compliance with the standards of its accreditor, 南方大学和学校协会的大学委员会, 根据SACSCOC的政策声明, 可能会发现 在这里.


